Monday Group

For young people experiencing mental health problems.


Monday Group supports young people aged 12-18 who are experiencing issues around self-harm, anxiety, depression, low confidence and low self-esteem. We share techniques, play games and offer support using the arts to improve mental health. The group is small, friendly and inclusive.

MONDAYS, 10am - 11.30am.

Starting in June 2023.

We take referrals from health professionals, third sector organisations, teachers and parents/guardians. A chat to Deri will explain more. Please contact her by email


Uplifting Aerial

For young people experiencing mental health problems.


Working with Small World's aerial circus team, you can help your mental health and well-being. We present a season of free Uplifting Aerial sessions for young people through the Corlan project.

SATURDAYS, 11am - 1pm

29 April, 13, 27 May, 10, 24 June, 8 July

Please contact Jess (aerialist and Syrcas Byd Bycha trainer) for more information about Uplifting Aerial

Please BOOK by contact Deri,


New LGBTQ+ Group for Cardigan and surrounding area.


A new group for LGBTQ+ young people in West Wales aged 14-21, run by facilitators who have experience of the LGBTQ+ community.

Amethyst works in a safe, boundaried, confidential, non-judgemental space. We play games and use creativity for fun and self-expression. We explore ideas that help us to understand ourselves and the other people in our lives. The group and the topics we explore will be guided by the participants. This will be a space where it’s ok to be yourself, where everyone is equal and where kindness to one another is important.

WEDNESDAYS, 4pm - 6pm

3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May, 7, 14, 21, 28 June, 5, 12 July.

Please contact Deri to join this group,


Regular parent/guardian online support group.

Immediate support for parents and guardians of young people struggling with their mental health.

The Amethyst project has funding to support a new group of parents/ guardians with special sessions and topics covering self harm and substance abuse.

Please do not hesitate to contact Deri


Post 16s Group.


A new group working with young people aged 16-25 in West Wales who are not in or at risk of leaving education or training.

Amethyst works in a safe, boundaried, confidential, non-judgemental space. We play games and use creativity for fun and self-expression. We explore ideas that help us to understand ourselves and the other people in our lives. We will be working in a small group, looking at the barriers we experience and for positive solutions to them. This will be a space where it’s ok to be yourself, where everyone is equal and where kindness to one another is important.

Starting in September 2023.

Please contact Deri to join these sessions.


Monday Group.




Mondays, 10:00 - 12:00

Ages: 13+

Small World Theatre's Amethyst project is starting a new series of free, weekly sessions for young people aged 13+ who are experiencing issues with their mental health; such as anxiety, low mood, low confidence and low self-esteem. The group is a safe, supportive and non-judgemental space where we model kindness, empathy, honesty and integrity.

Our weekly sessions promote self awareness and well-being using theatre and psycho-education practice, games and exercises at Small World Theatre on Mondays, 10:00am - 12:00pm.

We are taking referrals at the moment from health professionals, teachers and in some cases parents. Please contact Deri if you'd like to know more